Affordable, accessible healthy living choices for the community
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Tincidunt dictum nec sodales nunc viverra massa. Egestas sed id nunc arcu malesuada adipiscing orci id turpis. Convallis mollis vulputate quam egestas.
We inspire to be a social hub prioritising mental and physical wellness in our community. We are serving healthy vegetarian diets and beverages for affordable prices to accommodate once busy lifestyle.
Growing healthy, organic food is part of Guernsey’s history and it’s our vision to bring it back to the island.
Our priority is putting individuals well-being first by bringing awareness to our daily food consumption and our lack of nourishment. We started questioning what is actually in our food. What do we consume every day?
We aim to be 100% transparent with our customers and we are committed to providing sustainable, ethically sourced ingredients. Even all of our packaging will be compostable and biodegradable.

By choosing healthy over skinny, you are choosing self-love over self-judgement.
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